Saints Raphael Nicholas and Irene feast day

Saints Raphael, Nicholas & Irene

Greek Orthodox Church

Worship Schedule: Sundays, Orthros: 8:00 a.m. and Divine Liturgy: 9:45 a.m.


Our Faith

An ever-growing number of persons from various backgrounds are becoming interested in the Orthodox Church. These individuals are discovering the ancient faith and rich traditions of the Orthodox Church. They have been attracted by her mystical vision of God and His Kingdom, by the beauty of her worship, by the purity of her Christian faith, and by her continuity with the past. These are only some of the treasures of the Church, which has a history reaching back to the time of the Apostles.

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Patron Saints

On Bright Tuesday, the first Tuesday after Pascha (Easter), we celebrate the memory of the glorious and newly manifested miracle-working neomartyrs Raphael, Nicholas, and Irene who suffered martyrdom by the Ottoman Turks on the island of Lesvos in 1463, ten years after the fall of Constantinople.

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Our Hierarchs


His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew




His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros

Greek Orthodox Archdiocese

of America


His Eminence Metropolitan Alexios

Greek Orthodox Metropolis

of Atlanta

church construction

Parish History

In the winter of 1996, Mr. and Mrs. Nikitas Damianakis placed their hope in God and made a leap of faith. Despite Nikitas’ advanced emphysema, he and his wife Elaine made the trip from Palm Harbor, FL, to Atlanta, GA (in the snow) to request the Episcopal blessings…

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The Rev. Fr. James Rousakis


Youth Ministries

Greek Orthodox Youth of America (GOYA)

Purpose: To lead the youth in experiencing the Holy Orthodox faith by developing a personal relationship with Christ and becoming active sacramental members of the living Church. They will also be equipped with tools necessary to assist them in their journey toward salvation.

Activities: G.O.Y.A. is the umbrella organization for all of our teen youth programs. Typical activities include bowling night, Fall Plant Sale, car wash fundraiser, Arcade game night, ice skating, Skyline, Kickball Tournament, and other events. G.O.Y.A. also participates in many Metropolis-sponsored events including St. Steven’s Camp, Winter Youth Rally, Hellenic Dance Festival, Advent and Lenten Retreats.

Altar boys

The role of the Altar Boy remains a genuine and vital one in the Eucharistic Assembly of the faithful, as well as in other services. He stands ready to serve God in this capacity. It is a stewardship of young men; a service that they offer to God as their regular Sunday offering of talent and ability.

In serving our Lord, Altar Boys are able to build off the true form of teamwork and servitude. Please encourage your son, grandson, father or grandfather to help serve Christ through this wonderful opportunity.


The Greek Orthodox Archdiocese is home to ministry. The Archdiocese’s ministries and departments develop programs, materials, and conferences designed for the many stages of life and spiritual journeys. Donations to the Holy Archdiocese help further the vital ministry work of advancing and deepening our Orthodox Christian Faith for the people of our times.

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